Meeting Minutes
Minutes for the Barony of Red Spears business meeting, November 19, 2023 at Way Public Library, Perrysburg, OH. If anyone would like to discuss something from the previous meetings, contact the seneschal.
Meeting started at 1:27 pm.
Old Business: Baronial Tabards are in progress and last pieces from the red cloth will be cut out at upcoming Tuesday and/or Thursday meetings, and then sewing will happen.
· Seneschal – Nothing New
· Baronage
o Events: Attending Barony of Roaring Waste’s Wassail, and a progress calendar for next year is in the works. Let them know which rapier and Arts and Sciences events you want Barony representation… hint hint Let them know if you are entering anything anywhere. Send in award recommendations to Kingdom and to the Barony.
· Exchequer – Needs a deputy. Doomsday prep is in progress. We still have money, and it’s OK to spend it. Officer budgets are in the works. Send notes to the Exchequer on what your office may need. Budget will be voted on at the December baronial meeting
· Chronicler – Bianca will be taking over with Dorothea’s assistance regarding the newsletter sometime after Yule. The winter Spearpoint will be out near Thanksgiving.
· MoAS – Yule discussion at end of meeting. Domesday annual summary report is coming up fast. What classes have you taken or taught? What projects have you worked on? A post will go up on Facebook asking what you’ve been doing
· Chatelaine – Not present. There have been some inquiries about demos.
· Herald – Order of Precedence updates are in the works. Send in notes on the awards you have gotten over the past few years or any you don’t see listed for yourself on the OP listed on the baronial webpage.
· Webminister – Officer change form was turned in, but haven’t heard back yet.
· Rapier Marshal – Domesday is done. Proposed holding a rapier focused baronial practice on off nights from rattan since we have a lot of crossover people who do both. All agreed to see how the combined rapier/rattan baronial practices go over the winter since we are just getting into the new routine.
· Rattan Marshal – Baronial practices went well and will keep doing them. Domesday due soon. Send in anything from the Marshes’ practices that needs to be on the Domesday. Need reports from Marshals of the Field. Looking for baronial deputy, and canton deputies for the Fjordr and Marshes.
· Fjord Seneschal – Yule discussion at end of meeting. Manor House Haunted Forest went well and had ~1500 visitors a day for the walkthrough week. Thanks to all who helped put that together.
· Marshes Seneschal – No meeting on Thanksgiving but will have revel at end of November.
· University group – is known on BGSU’s campus as the Falcon Creative Anachronism Club. The students have been working on a group name and heraldry to register with the SCA. The club can get funding from the university for workshop speakers and materials. Attendance has been 10 consistent attendees with another 5 or so in and out and a few others expected in the Spring when their class schedules change. So far this semester they have hosted Hedwig teaching finger loop braiding, Fatima for multiple clothing workshops with capacity for 15 making t-tunics per session, and Leofric for making leather belts and pouches. Nov. 27th is the last meeting of this semester. The club can get funding for event travel and has funding for around 6 students to attend Yule Feast.
· Yule Feast – Saturnalia: Dec. 9, 2023, at Fjordr meeting site (same site as usual)
o 16 classes already scheduled. Site tokens have been delivered to the Event Steward’s hands. Royalty will be present (Her Majesty) with Barone Bron as royalty liaison, and several neighboring baronages have indicated they will be in attendance. Website is updated and now mobile friendly and getting added to the kingdom calendar event posting. Pricing and schedules have been fixed. No pre-reg is available. Cash and check only. Ask people to respond to the Facebook event as going to help with feast planning. Soup Off – Bring cash, and a soup with an ingredients list, for lunch fundraiser. Yard Sale – Bring SCA related stuff to donate for a fundraiser to help pay for the Fjordr’s meeting site. Gift Exchange – Bring a family friendly wrapped gift for an exchange after feast; gag gifts encouraged. Dancing – After feast, so the expectation is about an hour or hour and a half. Quest Teams – explanation of how the teams will work will be posted on the website. Volunteers needed for royalty retainers, Load in and out, and feast servers.
· Black Swamp War Games 2: June 1, 2024, at the Findlay Fairgrounds (same site as last year)
o Baronial hosted event this time, proceeds split with Canton Marche of the Marshes. Feast – discussed not having a multi-course feast since there is no kitchen. Will have Open Grill and some sides provided by Barony. People can bring something to grill. Pot Luck Social. Utensils and some stuff available from the Cooks Guild supplies. Lunch Tavern – Fjordr fundraiser, taco bar stations run by Baroness Anne and her staff. Around $1600 rental fees for site, with additional $1500 expenses expected. Archery – Yes, want something like a Friend or Foe style shoot to be worked into the Quest’s theme. Crafters Green – Pax will contact kingdom to see if there is anything needed to make it official and look for a class and A&S coordinator since they will not be available. The Quest to Get Through the Swamp – similar to Grand Day’s Quest. Needs a coordinator. Will be brainstorming incorporating archery, rattan, rapier, pel-dummy, puzzles and table games, merchant passport, dance, storyteller / loud tent, wild plants on site (photos), costumes (paper dolls?), and more. Site token: passport book and map. Site is reserved; we are on their calendar. To be discussed later: Baronage Beauty, Turkish Coffee and other venders, Youth, Quiet. Bid coming soon, in the next week or two Room, tent for royalty.
· New Business: Emergency Bid requested by Their Highnesses to host Crown Tourney and Kingdom A&S this spring, Memorial Day weekend, the week before Black Swamp War Games. Same site is available and reserved pending contract. Baron Raffaele is spearheading the bid and will be event steward. Camping is available and Raffaele and Otto will confirm Sunday night camping with the site for the bid.
Next month the December 17 will be at Way Library.
Meeting adjourned at 2:56 pm.